Curly Sue
Jag är inte på det bästa humöret idag, så jag tänkte inte skriva något, bara lägga ut den här låt texten och dagen plus och minus.
+ Att man får träffa Pia och resten av den familjen. Grattis Maria. :)
- Att jag har så svårt för att säga ifrån.
+ Att man får träffa Pia och resten av den familjen. Grattis Maria. :)
- Att jag har så svårt för att säga ifrån.
Your strength is so hard to find,
I feel so much stronger now,
the feeling´s alright.
Your words make me whole again,
those eyes cannot ever lie,
you´re so divine
I´m not ever alone, you´re not ever alone
I´m head over heels goddess of mine,
your curls touching my face and now I can fly
You brought my life back,
The glory you found,I´m in deep debt, without you I wouldn´t survive
I´m not ever alone
Your smile is heavenly,
I don´t deserve all the love that you'r giving to me
Your touch makes it hard to breathe,
the shiver´s around me now, you´re so fine
I´m head over heels goddess of mine,
your curls touching my face and now I can fly
You brought my life back,
The glory you found, I´m in deep debt, without you I wouldn´t survive
The heart is pumping for my life, the mind is happy and I will love you to the day I die
I´m head over heels goddess of mine,
your curls touching my face and now I can fly
You brought my life back,
the glory you found, I´m in deep debt, without you I wouldn´t survive
I´m head over heels goddess of mine,
your curls touching my face and now I can fly
You brought my life back,
The glory you found, I´m in deep debt, without you I wouldn´t survive
I feel so much stronger now,
the feeling´s alright.
Your words make me whole again,
those eyes cannot ever lie,
you´re so divine
I´m not ever alone, you´re not ever alone
I´m head over heels goddess of mine,
your curls touching my face and now I can fly
You brought my life back,
The glory you found,I´m in deep debt, without you I wouldn´t survive
I´m not ever alone
Your smile is heavenly,
I don´t deserve all the love that you'r giving to me
Your touch makes it hard to breathe,
the shiver´s around me now, you´re so fine
I´m head over heels goddess of mine,
your curls touching my face and now I can fly
You brought my life back,
The glory you found, I´m in deep debt, without you I wouldn´t survive
The heart is pumping for my life, the mind is happy and I will love you to the day I die
I´m head over heels goddess of mine,
your curls touching my face and now I can fly
You brought my life back,
the glory you found, I´m in deep debt, without you I wouldn´t survive
I´m head over heels goddess of mine,
your curls touching my face and now I can fly
You brought my life back,
The glory you found, I´m in deep debt, without you I wouldn´t survive
Postat av: madde
nee inte speciellt men jag hinner säkert bli! :) okej då har du ett tag kvar! :) men vad roligt då är det fler man känner som blir mamma lediga sen! :)